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Data Reporting and Deliverables

Data Packages

A Data Package contains all the information needed to reconstruct how the analysis of a batch of samples, including QA/QC results data, was derived. The following is a list and description of the forms that must be present, if applicable, in a Data Package.

Click on a Data Package for more information:

Level I Data Package

  • Report Narrative - A sheet that lists the Client, Client Project Description, AAC Project Number, Reporting Date, Sample receiving date, number of samples received, all the samples received including those analyzed and voided along with AAC and Client ID numbers for all the samples, a brief summary of the analysis method, instrument and parameters, the AAC SOP that was followed, and any problems encountered upon receipt or analysis of the samples
  • Data Report – A sheet that lists the samples with AAC and Client numbers, the analysis method and parameters, and the measured concentrations of each analyte. This summary will also include the Sample Reporting Limit (SRL) for each analyte in the same units. Additional information used in the Report Narrative is included as well
  • QC Report – The results of all of the QC analysis are reported here. This should include results for CCV, Second Source LCS/LCSD, MS/MSD, Method and System Blanks and Duplicate analysis
  • Chain of Custody (COC)/Sampling Log sheet - Supplied by the client and includes the client name, address, contact information, the samples listed individually, the analysis requested, the turn around time requested, and any additional sample information such as container type, sampling dates and times, etc. The COC is dated and signed by both parties whenever the samples are relinquished
  • Corrective Action Form – A form that describes any out-of-control events that affect the quality of data to be reported and explains the causes and corrective actions taken. The form is initiated by AAC and sent to the Client for approval. Upon approval, the form and corrected COC are faxed back to AAC and the sample log-in report is corrected

Level II Data Package

Level II Data packages contain all of the information included in a Level I Data package plus the following:

  • Sample History Log -A form that contains the sample history from sample receipt to final report approval. It also includes the signatures of all personnel involved in the preparation and analysis of the samples and review of the data package
  • Sample Receipt/Log-in Report – A form that contains all of the information that is entered into the LIMS system when the samples are logged in. This includes the sample type, analysis, AAC and Client ID numbers and other pertinent information
  • Analytical Sequence Table - The analytical sequence table for all the samples and QC samples
  • Sample Preparation Logbook (if applicable) -The sample preparation logbook for all the samples and QC samples

Level III Data Package

Level III Data packages contain all of the information included in a Level II Data package plus the following:

  • Calibration Curve - The calibration curve including the plot and R2 and RSD values for each analyte
  • Raw Sample Data - The chromatograms or other raw data for the samples

Level IV Data Package

Level IV Data packages contain all of the information included in a Level III Data package plus the following:

  • Raw QC Data -The chromatograms or other raw data for the QC samples
  • Raw data for the Calibration Curve - The chromatograms or other raw data used to construct the curve
  • Additional QC Raw data with curve -The chromatograms or other raw data for any additional QC that was done with the calibration curve

Custom Data Packages

We can put together custom data packages according to our clients requests. Please contact us for your particular requirements.


All of these forms must be dated, signed and completely filled out by the preparer. Notes should be made if information requested is non-applicable for the specific analysis. Suggestions or form modifications should be directed to the Quality Control Coordinator so that they can be discussed and possibly incorporated into a new or existing form.

In addition to these forms, a Data Package must contain other pertinent Inorganic or Organic Preparation and Data Sheets, Chromatograms or Strip Chart recording, and Regression Analysis data. After final review of the Data Package, the Laboratory Manager prepares the client’s data report. The client and Laboratory Manager prior to project commencement determine the detail of the report, dependent on client need and project cost. The range of detail begins with a summary of samples, measured analyses parameters, and method references. The more specialized, or project specific, the QA/QC and methods used, the more complex the Data Report. All reports are available as hardcopy or PDF files.

Data Package Review

All data must follow a strict review process before being reported to the clients. Each data sheet must be checked, signed, dated, and approved by someone other than the preparer. For instance, the analyst should check the sample preparation sheets that the technician filled out and the supervisor should check the analysts’ and technicians’ work, including preparation of stock standards, serial dilutions, and notebook entries.

After an analyst “completes” a Data Package, it is given to a second analyst and/or to the Lab Manager for review depending on the complexity of the report. The second analyst and/or Lab Manager reviews the entire Data Package for completeness, discrepancies, and errors and writes comments, when necessary, in the Sample History Log Form. If the Lab Manager disapproves, the Data Package it is given back to the analyst for correction; if it is approved, the Lab Manager passes it along to the Quality Control Coordinator.

The QCC then reviews the Data Package with extra emphasis on the acceptance of quality control data:

  • QA/QC samples, blanks and duplicates. If the QCC disapproves the Data Package it is rerouted to the Lab Manager; if the QCC approves it, it is sent to the Technical Director for final approval and report preparation


AAC can supply EDDs in various formats according to clients needs including EPA AIRS or AQS formats for PAMS reporting. EDD formats that AAC commonly uses are Excel, Access, Word and ASCI text files.